This is a scary graphic BECAUSE "Jesus Calling" is a scary book.

RUN! It's Jesus Calling
Scripture Reveals the Truth About "Jesus Calling"
Order on Amazon Download FREE PDF Download FREE MOBI fileThe cover of RUN! It's Jesus Calling is intended to be scary. The Jesus Calling devotion gives people warm, peaceful feelings using the techniques of Eastern meditation that lead people away from the true Jesus. This is not an empty accusation. The book, RUN! It's Jesus Calling backs it up with scripture.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. - 1 John 4:1
Scripture tells us to test things that claim to be from God. Have you done that with Jesus Calling? That is what the book RUN! It's Jesus Calling does. It compares Jesus Calling with scripture to test it... to see if it is truly from God. The answer? It is not.
Order on Amazon Download FREE PDF Download FREE MOBI file“Everything you have said, and all of the others you’ve quoted... all make complete sense. I read in The NY Times article [mentioned in the book] that she is hobbled by either Lupus or Lyme disease and she will only answer questions via email. She doesn’t do book tours or live interviews. This way she can make sure she isn’t having a brain fog moment when it’s time for her to answer questions. This give me great pause. What if, the whole time when she was praying and 'listening' for Jesus’ words, she’s having those brain fog (my words) moments? Makes me wonder...” - Nancy
"Thank you for this book. I read Jesus Calling for over a year every day and always has had an unsettling feeling, although I did have a lot of good feelings after reading daily as well. I always felt putting words in Gods mouth was very wrong. I have no idea why I thought reading this book was different. Your book has led me back strictly to the Bible and what it teaches. Anything that drifts from that I will discard immediately from here on out! Thanks again!" - Rob
Jesus Calling is a unique devotional. Each day Jesus speaks directly to you, giving you directions and commands instructing you about how to live your life. Is what Jesus says in this devotion Biblical? In RUN! It's Jesus Calling you'll learn why these "words of Jesus" are not scriptural.
RUN! It’s Jesus Calling takes a scriptural look at the Jesus of Jesus Calling. It answers questions such as: Is this the real Jesus of the Bible? Are the messages Biblical? Or does Jesus Calling present a false Jesus and a false gospel? RUN! It's Jesus Calling demonstrates this is not the real Jesus and it will reveal the places in Jesus Calling where a false gospel is presented.
Table of Contents
0 – Introduction
0 – Prologue
1 – Sinful Or Acceptable?
2 - Is This Really Jesus Speaking?
3 - Jesus Speaking Makes The Book More Interesting?
4 - Sarah Young's New York Times Interview
5 - Isn't Scripture Sufficient?
6 - What Is A Spiritual Leading?
7 - God's Word Does Not Change
8 - But, Jesus Calling Really Helped Me
9 - Did I Hear That Right?
10 - Examining A Jesus Calling Devotion – Part A
11 - Examining A Jesus Calling Devotion – Part B
12 - Examining A Jesus Calling Devotion – Part C
13 - How Can I Experience The Presence Of Jesus?
14 - Trusting The Real Jesus
15 - What Is The Peace Of God?
16 - Finding Real Peace
17 - Becoming Like Jesus
18 - Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit
19 - Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
20 - Blessed Are The Meek
21 - Blessed Are Those Who Hunger & Thirst For Righteousness
22 - Blessed Are The Merciful
23 - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
24 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
25 - Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted
26 - Run From False Teachers
27 - What's The Big Deal About The Cross?
28 - Test Yourself
29 - If Jesus Calling Is Not Christian, What Is It?
30 - My Thoughts Only