On the path to God's blessings. The key that unlocks the Beatitudes.

Happy Are The...
Discovering Joy in the Beatitudes
The Beatitudes, given in the Sermon on the Mount, are one of Jesus' most well-known teachings. Yet, many Christians don't understand what Jesus is teaching in the Beatitudes. These "blessings" are often understood using human wisdom, however Jesus is laying out spiritual truths. The result can be that at times Jesus seems to be teaching the opposite of what we know from simple common sense. In seems Jesus is saying we are to be poor in spirit and mourning all the time, yet that would be miserable way to live. And the meek will inherit the earth? Who wants to be a meek push-over!
And Jesus doesn't seem to practice what He preaches. Was He poor in spirit and meek when, with anger, He entered the temple "and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves." (Matthew 21:12)
So what's going on? Was Jesus a hypocrite? Or are we not correctly understanding the Beatitudes?
Order on Amazon Download FREE PDF Download FREE MOBI fileGet the answers. See the truth of the gospel in this book as the light of Beatitudes shines out. Learn how the Beatitudes apply to your life. In the Beatitudes Jesus explains that life is about having the right heart... and from a right heart flows right actions. That's the key that the Pharisee's in Jesus' day missed. They were the most righteous and religious of all Jews, yet Jesus called them "white-washed tombs," good looking on the outside, but dead on the inside? Is that you. Use the Beatitudes to do a spiritual check-up on your heart.
A quick read at 74 pages, Happy Are The... reveals the truth Jesus preached
Table of Contents
0 – Introduction
1 – What Is Your Heart?
2 – There Is A purpose
3 – Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit
4 – Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
5 – Blessed Are The Meek
6 – Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
7 – Blessed Are The Merciful
8 – Blessed Are The Pure in Heart
9 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
10 - Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted Because of Righteousness
11 - The Path to Salvation and Sanctification
12 - Joy in Christ - The Beatitudes
14 – Gospel Resources